
Wowtrip is a travel company who offers trips with surprise destinations. The wowtrippers discover their destination only a few hours before departure.

I designed the new brand identity and applied it on the new look & feel of the website.

Design of a new logo, introducing a discreet smiley with which I will play on the communication.

Old logo:

A color palette with joy and vitality.

A game with the «O» of «wOw», to express surprise and happiness.

The ornementations of the «O» can be used to custom all the communication mediums.

Animation concept: it shows the various reactions of clients when they discover their destination.  This animation could be used for social ads.

The website interface

The interactive elements only uses 4 of the chart color and a grey palet.

Typography: Graphik regular for content, medium for buttons text and bold for titles.

Icons are used to help understand quickly titles or buttons.

These molecular elements help to build coherent interface objects.

Video from the XD prototype: